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Application for Membership

July 1, 20___ to June 30, 20___

Dr. Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. __________________________________________

Street Address: ______________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: _______ Zip:______________

Phone: _____________________________________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________________

Date of Birth: ________________________________________________

Date of Retirement: ___________________________________________

Dues for PGPSRA are $15.00 per year.

Dues for MRSPA are $35.00 per year.

If you would like membership in PGPSRA only, make your $15 check payable to PGPSRA and mail it to:Charline Jacob, 3518 Jeff Road, Glenarden, Maryland 20774.

If you would like membership in both PGPSRA and MRSPA, make your $50 check payable to MRSPA or sign the Dues Deduction Form below, and mail them to: MRSPA, 8379 Piney Orchard Parkway, Suite A, Odenton, MD 21113-1508.

Dues Deduction Form
I hereby authorize the Teachers Retirement System of the State of Maryland to deduct annual membership dues of $50.00 for membership in both the Prince George's Public Schools Retirees Association (PGPSRA) and Maryland Retired School Personnel Association(MRSPA).
This authorization is to remain in effect until revoked by me.

Signature: __________________________________________________
Social Security #: _____________________________________________
Date: ______________________________________________________


PGPSRA Banner   Purpose of PGPSRA is to:

Encourage members to continue their interest in and use their talents, training, and experiences in furthering the educational, social and civic growth of the community, the State and the Nation.

Keep abreast of current educational programs and legislative and educational developments affecting public education.

Contribute financial aid to a scholarship fund which assists students in obtaining higher education.

Afford opportunities for united action in solving problems relative to retired teachers and other persons directly concerned with the educational problems of the country.

Cooperate with the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association.